In the Christian tradition, today, Ash Wednesday, marks the beginning of Lent. This commemorates the 40 days Jesus spent in the wilderness. The ancient scriptures say that the Spirit led Jesus into the desert immediately following his baptism. It is where he was tempted and, therefore, was made ready to undertake his public ministry which would ultimately lead to his betrayal, unjust sentencing and death.
Traditionally, in the church, then, Lent has been a time to focus on discipline and self-examination with the aim of stripping away that which obstructs the life of the Spirit. It is a season when we remember that, throughout his journey, both in death and life, Jesus offered his body in generous ministry and whole-hearted obedience, not holding anything back.
Through embodied prayer we may enter into this pathway and seek to follow where the divine leads. So, during weekly, half hourly prayer times we will gently connect with our body, through body awareness, through noticing and becoming more conscious of our breathing, through movement and in stillness. As we do this, we seek to offer ourselves afresh with all that we are.
The sessions will be online Thursday February 23th, March 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th at 8.30-9am, facilitated by dance and movement therapist, Rachel Michael, https://www.embodiedperspective.org/
Each person can participate within their own potential and limitations. Beginning seated, there will be an opportunity to move standing up for those who wish. There is no obligation to attend all the sessions – just join as you can. Sessions are offered free of charge, with the option of making a donation. Please email sacredspace.kingston@googlemail.com for the zoom link.